Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Milestones

Wow what a ride my life has become! I so love being a mommy to my girls! We seem to reach new milestones daily (some big and some small).
Holly is showing more of an interest in potty training every day. We finally decided to start working on it with her when we're at home, she doesn't wear a diaper except at nap time, bed time, and when we're out. She is growing her vocabulary on a daily basis, so we have realized how much we have to watch how and what we say. She is also learning to ride her tricycle, unfortunately she is like her mommy and the skills it takes to figure out how to steer and peddle at the same time develop a little slower than some (sorry baby). It makes me sad and happy all at the same time to see her growing up. I know that's what's supposed to happen yet I find myself wanting to slow time down some.
Kylie laughed for the first time today! What a fun suprise that was. I guess she thought it was funny that big sister was using mom as a jungle gym. She's beginning to try to turn over (from her back to her tummy- I guess she's gonna do the hard stuff first since she hates tummy time) she rolled up on her side the other day and has been doing it since, so it could be any day. She also loves to jabber non stop and uses inflections when doing so, it sounds like she's telling you a big story (so fun to listen to). What a big girl, she weighs somewhere around 15 1/2 lbs at just 3 months and is about 27" long!

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