Sunday, August 17, 2008

Backyardigans/ Holly's first show

On 8/16/08 Holly and I went to her very first show! She hasn't even been to the movies yet. "Backyardigans Live" was what we saw and for it being just over an hour long it kept her attention quite well! I was so impressed, and the excitement on her face brought tears to my eyes. She even (about 15 minutes into the show) got involved w/ the show yelling and dancing and clapping. I definitely saw her extravert side come out. Needless to say very moving and I can't believe how big my "Big Girl" is getting. I decided that buying her a Tshirt and a little doll was okay (at least this time) since it was a first. She wanted to wear the shirt before I could wash it and the doll (Tasha) has been carried around since we bought it. I want to be able to do things, just her and I, at least once a month so that she gets some alone w/ mom time. I have noticed that when I am able to spend the time just us she behaves better and is just happier it seems. All in all we had an excellent time!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Looks like she had a blast. Thanks for the reminder I need to do the same with Ayden.