Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kylie Turns One

I know that it's been forever since I have updated! Finding the time to be able to type uninteruppted is like pulling teeth. The girls are keeping me very busy. They play very well together most of the time, but then there are those times that they fight like hmmmmm.... siblings go figure. I was amazed that at so young Kylie could pick a fight with her sister, but it happens. I'm thrilled because Holly is back to being mostly fully potty trained (maybe we won't revert again!?).

For Kylie's birthday we invited all grandparents, my sister and her kids came. It was fun, we had chili for lunch (which turned out to be the perfect thing because it was a very cold day) and then cake. It took her a bit to figure out what to do, but then she mushed and smeared it all in her hair. She still refuses to walk, although yesterday if she wasn't thinking about it she would take about 5 steps without holding on to anything and then fall. So maybe it won't be long. She loves to climb on anything. She pushes her chair over to the couch and will climb on it and then to the couch. She uses Holly's step stool in the bathroom to step up so she can look at the baby in the mirror, and then she just laughs and laughs.

I'm so proud of my girls!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Kylie Amazes Me

This morning as I was putting away the girls clothes. They were in the room playing. I look over at Kylie who has one of Holly's babies and is cradling her and rocking back and forth. Is it possible that at not quite 11 months she already knows that you rock a baby? I was so amazed and wished that I had a camera to get some video of it. It was so adorable.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We Have Teeth

I guess about a month ago Kylie cut her first tooth finally! Well, we got number two last week and let me tell you she knows how to use them Scared 2 . Anyway, I am thrilled! She has begun to cruise the furniture and I know that means that anyday she'll be cruising around and I will definitely have my work cut out for me then. But, no rushing! She'll get there when she's ready and not one minute before.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Funny Story

This morning Holly was trying to get into the bathroom (we keep the door shut because Kylie likes to play in there otherwise) and so I say to her, "do you need to go potty?" to which she replies " no I need a blow my nose". I get her a tissue and while she is blowing her nose she pees her pants. (LOL- ) So I go to get a towel and notice Kylie is in just a diaper, Holly had taken off her jammies for her. So now not only do I have a two year old that hates to wear clothes, but she is gonna help her sister not to have to either.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Every Day Brings New Experiences

I don't know where the time has gone, but we are in full swing of changes. Kylie not only has been in full swing w/ crawling, but now we have added pulling up on EVERYTHING, into anything she can reach, and has even began cruising the couch. It's not going to be long and she will be walking.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I promised some pictures so here they are!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Accomplishments

Well, I am just tickled pink. The girls are changing sooo much it is fascinating to me. It changes daily.

I have for some time been working with Holly some on counting (she never was really interested) and colors (still isn't really interested). Well tonight while she was sitting with her daddy, she counted to ten (with a little help from dad, but not much). She also has learned how to say her last name. It's not a terribly difficult name, but MC isn't very easy. She says the last part very easily and then later I asked her what my name was, she very promptly says "Mommy _____" (insert last name). I was so proud!

Kylie is full blown crawling and has been for about a week and a half. She is also eating things like cheese, oatmeal (not the baby kind), soft pastas, and pretty much anything else that isn't baby food but she can easily mash up in her mouth. She isn't interested in eating something that she doesn't think that you will eat. I guess she is gonna be particular about what she will and won't eat. I am a littl frustrated about this since her big sister will eat whatever you put in front of her for the most part. I guess only time will really tell though. Still no teeth! & she still won't sleep through the night, but what can you do. Even if I was to wean her she still wakes up and requires me doing something to assist in going back to sleep. Big sister did too, so I'm not too suprised there.

I guess that's pretty much all for now. Will post pics soon!