Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kylie Turns One

I know that it's been forever since I have updated! Finding the time to be able to type uninteruppted is like pulling teeth. The girls are keeping me very busy. They play very well together most of the time, but then there are those times that they fight like hmmmmm.... siblings go figure. I was amazed that at so young Kylie could pick a fight with her sister, but it happens. I'm thrilled because Holly is back to being mostly fully potty trained (maybe we won't revert again!?).

For Kylie's birthday we invited all grandparents, my sister and her kids came. It was fun, we had chili for lunch (which turned out to be the perfect thing because it was a very cold day) and then cake. It took her a bit to figure out what to do, but then she mushed and smeared it all in her hair. She still refuses to walk, although yesterday if she wasn't thinking about it she would take about 5 steps without holding on to anything and then fall. So maybe it won't be long. She loves to climb on anything. She pushes her chair over to the couch and will climb on it and then to the couch. She uses Holly's step stool in the bathroom to step up so she can look at the baby in the mirror, and then she just laughs and laughs.

I'm so proud of my girls!!!

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