Sunday, September 28, 2008


Well here we are just days before Kylie turns 8 months and she is so very close to crawling. She has figured out how to push herself around backwards on her tummy. She points her feet in the direction she wants to go and pushes w/ her arms until she is where she wanted to go. She figured this out about a week ago and w/in the last few days has been working on the hands and knees thing. She will push up from belly down on the floor to knees but promptly falls back onto her tummy. I know the days of limited movement is short. We will soon have two that can go virtually anywhere they want to and that makes me sad and nervous. My "baby" is growing so very fast.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Wow, they grow up so fast. I know the upcoming Holidays are going to make the months really fly and then they'll be one, oh no!